
“The word approaches the element, the sacrament happens. We humans bring word to gifts grown by nature and human technology (oil, water, bread, wine) and in that action we produce something new that has the power to transcend both speech and natural substance”

—Saint Augustine

Welcome to our Beautiful Sanctuary!

As we gather to honor our God together, remember that you are more than just a guest here, you are the very best part of our parish! You now enter Saint Miriam as you did the Church, at the front with the Pascal Candle. You then listen to the Word, hear the Reflection, journey to the Altar for the Sacrament, and reverently Reserve the Real Presence in the Tabernacle before departing to share and change the world as “living tabernacles.” You sit and ponder one another as shared worshippers and admire what God can do! We added seating on all sides of the Altar so join us where you feel most comfortable, but perhaps … move to a place you never thought to sit before! The music team, too, has moved and they are now a part of the congregation to help us with a deeper participation and enjoyment and the space is more reflective of our Franciscan culture and identity.

Stretch into a new way of sitting, moving and being with God this week at Saint Miriam!

While we do not take up a collection, we depend on your generosity and willingness to support us. You may leave a donation in one of the collection boxes, located at both entrances to our parish, or you may use a giving kiosk for any type of electronic gift.

Your generosity supports our warm parish, our outreach to those living with homelessness, educational opportunities for children and care of our 300+ year old historic cemetery.

The Mass

The Mass is the central act of our Christian worship. The New Testament tells us that, for as long as Christian communities existed, they have followed the example of Jesus in breaking bread and drinking wine together to make his presence known among them. What we do in our High Mass is, of course, far removed in its external character from the simple meal which was the Last Supper. But at the same time, it is not radically different from the celebrations Christians have conducted from as early as the second and third centuries. A church or chapel has no purpose apart from the worship of God. It has other uses, to be sure, but no other purpose. It is holy, set apart, for God. For this reason, the atmosphere of a church should never be ordinary. Just as in worship we offer our whole selves to God, so every aspect of that worship the sights, sounds and even the smells are different, set apart. We strive to offer what the Psalmist calls the beauty of holiness while welcoming everyone to our parish.

We believe that the best way to understand our shared, Catholic liturgy is not through the abstract discussion, but rather through real contact with actual ritual, that is what our church tradition does at its best: places people in touch with the Mystery of God through Sacramental celebration of life and hope! The congregation is told what is happening at every step along our wonderful journey together, so newcomers won’t be lost. So please come and try us out!

Our Catholic liturgy will seem very familiar if you have attended a Latin Rite church before with an added element or two of surprise and meditation! It is designed to be inclusive, but mysterious and wondrous at the same time! And, the ideal for our liturgy is also very simple: the focus should be on the Eucharist, but be inclusive and inviting for all who attend. And, the elements of Bread and Wine should be pure, simple, and inviting to all of our senses.

The simple nature of our modern worship space at Saint Miriam is to allow for our focus to be on the center of our worship and to not detract. And, the warmth of our space comes from one place: YOU! Therefore, when our community gathers, the space becomes alive and we focus on our corporate worship and community together.


Our Altar Table and Processional Cross are designed in the very-recognized style of renowned artist Alberto Giacometti by artist and blacksmith, Edward Worthington (click here to visit). The hammered iron rods and scarred table allows us to visualize how, despite our wounds and imperfections, we are still beautiful and serve God’s good use! Our gospel procession allows all to participate and to realize that we are all part of the plan and made and created to honor God and serve to make our world a better place!

Our liturgies are spiritual experiences where we encourage people to sing, dance, and eat together. A space where we share silences, concerns, and prayers to God. A safe place where we gather to hear Scripture and listen for the still voice of God. A sacred room where our priests teach with compassion and the Assembly witness the love of God and self. Our worship is designed to be fully participatory! Therefore, we welcome all people –especially strangers and children—to worship with us and to receive Holy Communion.

Healing Mass

Join us on the second Sunday at 11:00am. The Mass Setting is one for Reconciliation, and includes a gathering at the Altar for the Eucharistic Prayer as well as anointing, as desired, with sacred oil. Special prayers and music are offered for healing, and beginning in December (December 9th) , our Friary Dogs will be available in the Library for a session of Pet Therapy! Come and heal with God every month!

Contact us for dates!

Our Weekly Liturgies

Please Click Here to visit our schedules page and to also view our Holy Days.

Children at Saint Miriam

Children are welcome at all liturgies at Saint Miriam. Each liturgy has a different feel, or “character”, but there is no service that is “off limits” to babies, children, or teens. We believe that “little Christians become big Christians by hanging around with big Christians”! So, bring the kids! Please visit our KidsLife section for more information on CCF (Children’s Faith Formation) and educational programs, too!

Our Sunday Readings: The Lectionary

Saint Miriam follows a cycle of readings in the liturgical year based on the General Roman Calendar Lectionary. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 2002, reminds us that in the cycles of readings and prayers proclaimed throughout the year in the sacred liturgy “the mysteries of redemption are recalled in the Mass in such a way that they are in some way made present.”Every Sunday we read from the Hebrew Scriptures, the Christian Testaments and the Holy Gospel of Our Lord and Savior. The lectionary is a cycle, or calendar of readings, that goes through much of the Bible in a three year period.

Are You Interested in being Baptized?

We welcome people of all ages who have not been Baptized before to come and receive the Water of New Life during one of our Sunday Masses. We routinely schedule Baptisms several times a year and these dates include: The Second Sunday in November, Second sunday in January, Feast of the Baptism of our Lord, Second Sunday in March, The great Vigil of Easter, Second Sunday in July, the Sunday before our annual InGathering in September. (The specific dates vary, depending on when Advent falls so please check the master parish calendar or email us.) We are pleased to work with all individuals and families as they seek to have their child baptized into our faith! To find out more about Baptismal dates, or to make an appointment to talk more about Baptism, please contact our Pastor here.

Baptisms are also Livestreamed here.

To learn more about the Sacraments in our Church, please visit this link.

Request A Baptism Date

See Sacraments by clicking here.