Catholic. Welcoming. Affirming. Spiritual.
Services and Times
In-Person Worship Schedule:
Every Sunday:
- 7:30am Early Mass
- 8:30am Mysteries of the Rosary
- 9:30am Morning Mass (Including Second Sundays; Healing and Third Sundays, Baptisms)
Reconciliation: 30 minutes before any Mass or by Appointment.
Baptisms: Third Sunday of every month, except during Lent, or private Baptism by Appointment.
Every Second Sunday:
- 9:30am Healing Morning Mass
Every Third Sunday:
- 9:30am Morning Mass with Baptism (Livestreamed)
Every Fourth Sunday:
- 9:30am Family Faith Formation (Childcare will be provided for other children. Please reserve in advance.)
Weekday Masses are offered:
- Thursdays: Adoration from 4:00pm to 6:00pm
- First Fridays only at 9:30am
- Rosary at 8:30am
- Masses rotate weekly to include 7:30am and 9:30am
- Baptism Mass at 9:30, every third Sunday
- Adoration from 4:00pm – 6:00pm
- Veneration of St. Francis of Assisi Relic from 6:00pm – 7:00pm
Our Church’s Identity
Our ancient Catholic faith upholds the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Apostles, and their successors.
We trace our roots to the Church of Rome through the Archdiocese of Utrecht and the subsequent Union of Utrecht, which birthed the Old Catholic Church.
We are Servants to All. We are a Haven of Mercy. We Maintain Open Doors.
The love of God meets us where we are, no matter where we are in our lives. The Church is called to mirror that love and be a haven of mercy, not condemnation.
Our doors and our arms are always open to welcome all people who are seeking belonging, community, and the faith no matter where they are in their journey.
We Welcome. We Love. We Forgive. We do not demand the Falsity of Good Behavior.
We believe that Jesus died for the sins of the whole world. Therefore, there is room at His table for all of us without limitation.
Our Church accepts and welcomes to the Table all who come, as we affirm people from all pasts, backgrounds, marital status and changes, genders, addictions, and sexual orientations.
We Affirm. We Care. We Journey Together.
Our ethos is rooted in our Franciscan Spirituality, and we place personal spiritual growth and exploration above religious tradition that often traps us into being legalistic. God’s first language is silence, and we honor a time of peace in everything we do.
Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense of belief that there is something greater than us, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature. This is more of an individual practice and has to do with having a sense of peace and purpose.
We are Spiritual, but not at the Expense of Being Religious.
What We Believe.
Discover our faith in Jesus Christ, the Holy Sacraments, the ministry of the Church, and what it means to be Old Catholic. We acknowledge the necessity of human work as we strive to uphold the value of human labor and the dignity of all people through an active exploration of our spiritual life together in community.

Who We Are.
We are a community that strives to not focus on sin, but rather on the unmerited and all-embracing grace of the God we believe in. We are not perfect. We weren’t meant to be, so we gather in unity, seeking divine guidance and peace as we strive to become better people and make the world a better place. We believe in grace!
Who We Love.
Our Immigrants & Refugees.
LGBTQI Brothers and Sisters.
Divorced, Married, Addicted or Recovered.
People of Color.
People of non-Color.
Those with disabilities.
Those who are able-bodied.
All denominations and Traditions.
All people of faith and hope.
Everyone of Peace and Goodwill.

How We Serve.
We insist on a commitment to social justice by strive for solidarity with the poor and marginalized and the rejected; the powerless and the voiceless to us are images of Christ Crucified. Find out how we fulfill our mission to the purpose of evangelization, and how we seek to help the least, last, lost, and lonely.
- Our Human First Outreach Initiative to Support those experiencing Homelessness through food, clothing, nutrition and hygiene.
- Our CarSafe program where we open our lower parking area to anyone living within their cars as they struggle to heal from homelessness.
- Our 300-year-old Historic Cemetery where we care for the dead.
- Our Franciscan STEAMM School where we educate children of all faiths and traditions.
- Our Home Masses where we bring the Presence of God to People’s Living Rooms.
- Our Open Doors to Outside groups like Recovery, Inc. and AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) for those in Recovery or Addiction.
How We Worship.
The Holy Father recently stated, “This is the church we are called to ‘dream’: a church that is the servant of all, the servant of the least of our brothers and sisters; a church that never demands an attestation of ‘good behavior,’ but welcomes, serves, loves, forgives; a church with open doors that is a haven of mercy.” At Saint Miriam our liturgy is decidedly Catholic, but sin focused. The world is hard enough. We celebrate with music and song and words that inspire us to continue a journey of faith.

We are Not just Made by God. We are Made of God.
– Mother Julian of Norwich
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