When a priest celebrates Mass each day, including Sundays, he offers each celebration of the Eucharist for particular person(s), or intention(s). By doing so he applies special graces from God upon that person or intention.
A Mass offered for a deceased member of the family or for the souls in purgatory.
A Mass offered in honor of someone for a special event or to remember them in an honorific manner.
A Mass with the intention of praying for someone who is ill or battling a disease for their healing.
Saint Miriam Memorial Society
This is a wonderful way to remember and honor your deceased loved ones each month.
Sanctuary Lamp
A dedication or memorial (living or dead) that lasts an entire week by supporting the Sanctuary Candle that illuminates the Tabernacle where Catholic’s believe the Living Presence of Christ dwells.
Bread and Wine
A dedication or memorial (living or dead) that lasts an entire month where the person is remembered for their gifts at the Altar at every Mass.

As a Catholic parish we rely on the Sacrifice of the Mass, as a way to honor those we love! Did you know that you can remember someone living, as an ‘Honor of’ Mass Intention, or someone who has died with an ‘In Memorial of’ Mass Intention? You also can select the amount you wish to donate for the intention, but we request only a minimum donation of $10.00 for each request, if you are able. However, no amount will be turned away for your Mass Intentions.
We also have two special intention categories: A Sanctuary Lamp Intention allows your choice of either Mass type to be honored and includes the Sanctuary Lamp Candle burning all week long in the Sanctuary near the Tabernacle where the Presence of Our Lord is kept sacred, to remember your loved one.
Finally, Bread and Wine Sponsorships are available, too! We offer this opportunity for the Altar Bread and Wine to be memorialize a loved one. Donations can be made for these in memory of loved ones both living and deceased for one month at a time and covers the cost of providing bread and wine for the Holy Eucharist in honor of your intentions.
And for each of these intention opportunities at Saint Miriam, an acknowledgement of your memorial will appear in the Sunday printed bulletin, online at our website, and during the announcements before every Mass; and we also offer a card that can be given to the family of the loved one, too!
These are deeply moving and beautiful ways to honor our loved ones.
Start here to make a Mass Intention
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