Outreach is a cornerstone of Saint Miriam. We serve by offering liturgy, education to children, care of the dead within our historic cemetery, and outreach to those suffering homelessness. We are also a Sanctuary Parish providing safe sanctuary to anyone in need, regardless of their immigration or religious status. In addition to this, we are the home to two AA charters and their respective leadership committees plus Recovery, Inc. and The Ambler Station Singers. Saint Miriam is also proud to support local agencies and outreach programs.
In order to bring about a stronger program to impact homelessness more deeply, we initiated an award winning outreach to the homeless and food insecure in our area called Human First @ Saint Miriam.
This program extends primarily to greater Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the Norristown area suburbs and provides:
(1) Warm meals to those who serve at meal sites weekly, as well as,
(2) Nutritional and hygiene and feminine product support bags to those living on the streets and,
(3) Our CarSafe Program in order to allow persons living in their car to have a safe place, along with support, as we open our lower parking lot area for overnight stays on our property in Flourtown.
(4) We also care for pets of those living on the streets and,
(5) We have also partnered to help support those living on the streets by becoming a Code Blue Emergency Shelter when inclement weather strikes our area. We will open when needed and provide a warm place to stay overnight, a cot, blanket and pillow to help make everyone comfortable, as well as security to ensure everyone remains safe.
(6) Our board members recently voted to add financial support to two primary areas beyond homelessness:
A. Clergy United Against the Death Penalty to help bring about a right understanding of being pro-life and foster an end to the death penalty.
B. Refugees/Migrant Families to support those being bussed and houses temporarily in our local region.
(7) We partner and support with other nonprofit organizations such as:
Not By Sight Outreach, a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to being an influential force of hope by providing food, clothing, personal care items, and ministry to under-resourced communities and people experiencing challenging times. We offer undergarments, socks, food and support to single mothers and their children!
(8) At the Norristown Transportation Center between 1:00pm and 3:00pm on Saturday afternoons we provide warm meals, water, socks and outreach nutrition and hygiene bags.
One of the most wonderful aspects of our program is that we ask those who volunteer to take the our services into the streets to also engage with the receiving individual and bring their humanity to the surface. As our byline states clearly, our program is a “comprehensive approach to homelessness, placing the dignity of the human person first.”
Please support our efforts by purchasing supplies, offering your financial support, or volunteering to help us build our support bags or distribute supplies or inventory!

We need your support!
Donations can be dropped off at Saint Miriam at:
654 Bethlehem Pike, Flourtown, PA 19031
How You Can Help

Consider Volunteering!
“Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don’t have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
We have a shopping list!
Our homeless outreach desperately needs supplies. Please help us to continue to help others by purchasing these needed items. You can purchase and drop off items or purchase via Amazon.

- Package of crackers (21 per pack)
- Granola Bar
- Napkin, fork, knife and spoon packets
- Small container apple-sauce or fruit mix
- Bumble bee Chicken Salad (small container)
- Individual container of pudding
- Small container of Vienna Sausages
- Single package of cheese and pretzels/ crackers Cinnamon twirl cake (1 little serving/individually wrapped cookie
- Packets of peanut butter
- Juice pack
- Water
- Toothbrushes
- Tooth Paste
- Soap (mini bars)
- Body lotion (small bottles)
- Personal Care/Sanitization Wipes
What Do We Put in the Bags?
Because not all needs are the same, we have different versions and additions to how we assemble our Blessing Bags:
Basic Blessing Bag:
- Package of crackers (21 per pack)
- Granola Bar
- Napkin, fork, knife and spoon packets
- Small container apple-sauce or fruit mix
- Bumble bee Chicken Salad (small container)
- Juice pack
- Individual container of pudding
- Small container of Vienna Sausages
- Single package of cheddar cheese and pretzels/crackers
- Cinnamon twirl cake (1 little serving)
- Individually wrapped cookie
- Packets of peanut butter
- Water
- Toothbrushes
- Tooth Paste
- Soap (mini bars)
- Body lotion (small bottles)
- Personal Care /Sanitization Wipes
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”
Albert Einstein
Car Safe at Saint Miriam
We add to the Blessing Bag the following:
We opened our lower parking lot to help those people living within their cars by providing them a “Safe Car Space.” The program is simple: The car-resident registers at the Administration doors, complete a brief questionnaire to ensure our safety, and get a nutrition and hygiene support bag and other support services. They are able to stay overnight from 7pm – 7am as well as receive a referral to more permanent housing solutions! Registration occurs daily between 6:30pm and 7:00pm and no registrations can take place after 8:00pm.
- Blankets
- Scarves
- Socks

Just for Girls – Period:
In addition to our basic Blessing Bag we also add:
- Feminine hygiene products
- Feminine Personal Care Wipes

People with Pets:
Homelessness and hunger affects more than just people. Animals are God’s creatures as well and deserve our help as much as their human companions. In addition to the basic bag, we also add:
- Dog Food (dry)
- Cat Food (small cans wet, or dry)
- Pet treats
- Pet Toys
- Leashes
- Collars

Car Safe Program
We opened our lower parking lot to help those people living within their cars by providing them a “Safe Car Space.” The program is simple: The car-resident registers at the Administration doors, complete a brief questionnaire to ensure our safety, and get a Blessing Bag and support services. They are able to stay overnight from 8pm – 7am as well as receive a referral to more permanent housing solutions! Registration occurs daily between 6:30pm and 7:00pm and no registrations can take place after 8:00pm.
Saint Miriam is located at: 654 Bethlehem Pike, Flourtown, PA 19031

“Scarfs with a Purpose” @ Saint Miriam!
We have teamed with our Outreach Partners to distribute newly created homemade scarfs from our wonderful Prayer Shawl Ministry Group and generous donors and warm blankets for homeless persons in our area! Our warm, made with love, scarfs and blankets will be going to those who need warmth the most! Please support this outreach by donating materials or making a generous donation or joining the group and helping make wonderful strength-giving knitted and purchased items for those in need of some pastoral care! Join the group, or simply purchase a few scarfs or blankets and drop them off to our collection bin this season anytime during daylight hours at our main administrative entrance! It’s that easy to give the gift of warmth!

Recovery International
Recovery International gives people the tools to lead more peaceful and productive lives.
Join the thousands upon thousands of people who have used Recovery International self-help groups to change their lives for the better. Recovery International offers a cognitive behavioral training method developed by the late neuro psychiatrist Dr. Abraham A. Low. For over 75 years this method has helped members learn to identify and manage negative thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviors that can lead to emotional distress and related physical symptoms.
This small group meets every Tuesday at 6:30pm in the Betsy and Walter Diener Room.

We really are all brothers and sisters, aren’t we?
Did you know that our outreach program, Human First Outreach, also extends abroad, not just to local homelessness? Saint Miriam financially supports Sohail Maseeh, a missionary worker in Faisalabad, Punjab Pakistan. This recent donation, across the seas, enabled Sohail to purchase food and nutrition care packages for poor Christian families. We help so many because, well… it’s our mission! Won’t you please make a donation, send needed supplies, or volunteer today by visiting https://humanfirstsaintmiriam.org

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international mutual aid fellowship with the stated purpose of enabling its members to “stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety.” AA is nonprofessional, self-supporting, and apolitical. Its only membership requirement is a desire to stop drinking. Our Sunrise AA Group meets every Saturday morning at 8:30am in the Betsy and Walter Diener Room. Please use the handicap entrance off the Administration Walkway!
Please note: AA meets Saturday morning at 8:30am and is a “closed meeting” so please email for contact information to attend. A ‘Closed’ meeting is for any person, anywhere who has or thinks they may have a desire to stop drinking. … ‘Open’ meetings are for members of the community who may wish to have more information about A.A. Nonalcoholics may attend open meetings as observers.