The Saint Miriam Prayer Shawl Ministry meets September through May on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 10:030am during fellowship time. If you knit, crochet, or would like to learn, please help us make shawls for pastoral care needs. For more information, contact us today!
Another Way to Give Back: “Scarfs with a Purpose @ Saint Miriam”!

We have teamed with with Evol Majers to distribute newly created homemade scarfs from our wonderful Prayer Shawl Ministry Group for homeless persons in our area! Our warm, made with love, scarfs will be going to those who need warmth the most! Please support this new ministry by donating materials or making a generous donation or joining the group and helping make wonderful strength-giving knitted items for those in need of some pastoral care! See Midge Olson today to join the group! You can also help just by purchasing and dropping off a new scarf to our collection bin in the church, too! Everyone can help another in need this winter! Contact us today by visiting our Contact Us page or by using the form below!
Small Groups at Saint Miriam
Groups with the “@” symbol denote that they also meet virtually.