Not here. Not ever. Not at Saint Miriam!

“The number one cause of atheism is Christians. Those who proclaim Him with their mouths and deny Him with their actions is what an unbelieving world finds unbelievable.”

– Karl Rahner, SJ

At Saint Miriam, we have built – and willingly rebuilt – our parish from the ground up many times. In our history, we have resisted calls to reject people for who they are, welcome some who could harm others with their views, and even refused a large donation because it came with a mandate to reduce our welcome to the LGBTQ community.

Most recently, we protected the truth in the face of known outright lies designed to destroy what we’ve build despite some so easily being led astray to hate those who have cared for them for many years. Hate knows no bounds.

It might surprise you that all of these attacks were from insiders, Catholic Christians, some were even parishioners, who refused the truth in favor of lies, bigotry and destruction. They turned their backs and wagged their tongues in gossip forgoing the foundation of our faith: grace, forgiveness and love.

The result? We lost a few. Willingly. We’d do it again; in fact we already have on several occasions. Why? Because our heart and direction is always based on Jesus: Grace. Truth. Justice. Love. All unconditionally, not merited; unearned. Just like Jesus taught us.

Why not visit us this Sunday? You might just find something worth staying around for, a new way of honoring the One killed by lies, and those who would rather have power over love for everyone.