“But What of These?”

“But what good are these?”  So says Andrew to Jesus, explaining that there is a boy with five barley loaves and two fish. “But what good are these for so many?” Don’t we all feel like that sometimes? We can look at our personal challenges, we can thing about situations confronting our family, we can … Read more

What IF We Would Just Imagine? 

In light of the attempted assassination of former President Trump, I felt that I would heed President Biden’s National Oval Office Address and ask that we all take a step back, reevaluate what is really important, think carefully about what we believe and who we are willing to lose from our lives over someone who, … Read more

The 2024 Bell Tower Renovation Fund

We Need Your Help To Make This Beauty Thrive! Our beautiful Bell Tower is in need of repair. We have begun the process but just the scaffolding alone is over $1,500! We need your help to get to the finish line! There have been Twelve major renovations since the initial core of our church building … Read more

“Come Away With Me…”

In this coming Sunday’s Gospel, we will hear, “He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” Jesus needed rest. While you read this message, my family and I are out resting! (Well, we are on a family vacation to Delaware to visit family with everyone in tow, so … Read more

Another Loss, Or Is It?

We lost a friend to Saint Miriam last week. Donna Conway lost her battle to pancreatic cancer. I married Donna and her husband Dan just a couple years ago. You might have met them when they attended Mass at the parish often. She was a beautiful soul and warm woman and a lady in every … Read more

We Have Our Mission!

Dear Friends, Quick: what is the purpose of Christianity? If you had to write a Mission Statement for Christianity in as few words as possible, what would you write? What’s the plan? Well, as we begin to read Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, Paul states succinctly what he calls God’s “plan for the fullness of … Read more

A Jesus To Stretch Us!

When Jesus visited Nazareth, where He grew up, He faced rejection. He was not able to perform any miracles, apart from curing a few sick people. He was amazed at their lack of faith! Contrast this with the story of the Centurion, when He said, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel … Read more

A Gospel Story of Greatest Hits!

Mark’s Gospel continues this Sunday with the story of the woman afflicted with hemorrhages for twelve years and the synagogue official’s daughter who had died. Last week it was Jesus calming the Sea. It is as if Mark’s Gospel is a highlight tape of Jesus that includes His greatest hits. It’s short, fast-paced, and to … Read more

Vive Jesus!

I was cleaning out some old desk drawers last week, in a not completely successful attempt to feel more organized. But the project ended up being a blessing: amid papers and notes and holy cards and lots of other stuff, I discovered an old, tattered booklet that had been gifted to me way back in … Read more

Why Are You Afraid?

Dear Friends, I have to admit: I get the disciples’ reaction to the storm at sea. “Why are you afraid?” Jesus asks. I want to answer, “Um. Gee. Maybe because the boat is taking on water and we’re being knocked all over the place and could go overboard or sink at any moment.” I think … Read more

Small Faith is All It Takes!

This coming Sunday we hear another famous parable! Jesus often thinks and speaks in parables and uses images which he draws from the world around him. Jesus reaches especially for symbols of life and growth in His wonderful illustrations using words and story. Today we hear a familiar, yet ever evolving, mustard seed parable! From … Read more

Trust in God!

Are you a patient person? Are you patient with yourself, with others, with the world? Or do you like things done—and done perfectly—lickety-split?  Do you like immediate results? And only the best results? I admit I can be impatient—with myself, with others, ok, let me just admit it: with the whole world, and, yes, even with … Read more

Family Values!

Yikes! Jesus doesn’t seem to be a very “family values” type guy in today’s gospel. It seems as if he is snubbing his mother and his brothers and sisters. Add this to the time that Jesus remarked that no one could come to him without hating father, mother, wife, children, brothers and sisters and it … Read more

A Tinkering God. 

People imagine their god intervening in the world to different degrees. Once, God is like a Watchmaker, Occasionally, God is a tinkerer for some but not for all. Constantly, well we are mere Marionettes! The whole idea of a tinkering God suggests that God might have created one thing, later decided to change it, or … Read more