What IF We Would Just Imagine? 

In light of the attempted assassination of former President Trump, I felt that I would heed President Biden’s National Oval Office Address and ask that we all take a step back, reevaluate what is really important, think carefully about what we believe and who we are willing to lose from our lives over someone who, … Read more

Another Loss, Or Is It?

We lost a friend to Saint Miriam last week. Donna Conway lost her battle to pancreatic cancer. I married Donna and her husband Dan just a couple years ago. You might have met them when they attended Mass at the parish often. She was a beautiful soul and warm woman and a lady in every … Read more

Vive Jesus!

I was cleaning out some old desk drawers last week, in a not completely successful attempt to feel more organized. But the project ended up being a blessing: amid papers and notes and holy cards and lots of other stuff, I discovered an old, tattered booklet that had been gifted to me way back in … Read more

Trust in God!

Are you a patient person? Are you patient with yourself, with others, with the world? Or do you like things done—and done perfectly—lickety-split?  Do you like immediate results? And only the best results? I admit I can be impatient—with myself, with others, ok, let me just admit it: with the whole world, and, yes, even with … Read more

A Tinkering God. 

People imagine their god intervening in the world to different degrees. Once, God is like a Watchmaker, Occasionally, God is a tinkerer for some but not for all. Constantly, well we are mere Marionettes! The whole idea of a tinkering God suggests that God might have created one thing, later decided to change it, or … Read more

Ah, Mary!!

Ah May: traditionally, for Catholics, the month of Mary. But which Mary: Mary, inviolate? Mary undefiled? Mary Immaculately Conceived? Mary every docile and obedient to God? Mary dressed in blue? These are all ok, I guess. A tad simplistic for me. And the stress on her virginal purity always smells like patriarchal control to me. … Read more

We Live By Example!

Dear Friends, I recently read an interesting commentary from Eugene Peterson, the translator of The Message Bible. Speaking of Jesus referring to himself as the Way, the Truth and the Life, Peterson says: Jesus as the Truth gets far more attention than Jesus as the Way. Jesus as the Way is the most frequently evaded … Read more

See What Love!

“See what love…” These are three of my favorite words in Scripture. See what love! I really think these words from John’s first letter (from the Second Reading for the Fourth Sunday of Easter) could be a great mantra for us to repeat often throughout the day: See what love! There are so many reasons to shout … Read more

A Relational Good Shepherd!

Ah, the Good Shepherd returns! It is always one of my favorites, if but overly used at times. Seeing Jesus as the example of being a good shepherd makes sense, because that was one of the major occupations throughout Palestine in His day. His listeners knew about them. People that cared for flocks of sheep … Read more

God’s Eternity.

So, what do you think of when you hear the words “eternal life”? We hear these words quite often in religious circles, and especially during Easter Season. I would bet for most folks that phrase conjures up ideas and images of “life after death” or “going to heaven” (instead of hell!). After all, Jesus conquered death, … Read more

The Dead Can Walk.

“They were startled and terrified,” Luke tells us of the disciples when they saw the Risen Lord. Of course!  As Robert Barron says, there were two reasons for this: First, this is a strange and unknown phenomenon. A dead man is now alive again? Who wouldn’t be startled and terrified? Second, the disciples are terrified because … Read more

Imagining Peace. 

Imagine this:  harmony, health, and wholeness in all aspects of your life. Picture all your relationships flourishing: your relationships with God, with everyone in your life, with creation and even with yourself. Think of our entire world being in a state where everything is as it ought to be, as God intends for it to be.  Sounds nice, doesn’t it? … Read more

So, It Is Now Holy Week for Christians Around the Globe, But Will It Really Change Us? 

The world has simply become more caustic by any measure. The interactions on social media, between persons, and against the vulnerable, and those who identify as LGBTQ, and the foreigner and refugee are all more acidic and debilitating. The political rhetoric is nothing short of vile. We, as a people, have become less patient, less … Read more

Do We Know How To Listen?

Are you obedient? Let’s face it: most of us probably cringe at that word, “obedient.” We might become defensive, asking, “Obedient to whom?”  It conjures up images of being submissive, being subject to somebody—and that is not at all popular in our autonomous society. No, obedience certainly isn’t in vogue. But what if the question were … Read more