What IF We Would Just Imagine? 

In light of the attempted assassination of former President Trump, I felt that I would heed President Biden’s National Oval Office Address and ask that we all take a step back, reevaluate what is really important, think carefully about what we believe and who we are willing to lose from our lives over someone who, … Read more

“Come Away With Me…”

In this coming Sunday’s Gospel, we will hear, “He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” Jesus needed rest. While you read this message, my family and I are out resting! (Well, we are on a family vacation to Delaware to visit family with everyone in tow, so … Read more

Another Loss, Or Is It?

We lost a friend to Saint Miriam last week. Donna Conway lost her battle to pancreatic cancer. I married Donna and her husband Dan just a couple years ago. You might have met them when they attended Mass at the parish often. She was a beautiful soul and warm woman and a lady in every … Read more

A Jesus To Stretch Us!

When Jesus visited Nazareth, where He grew up, He faced rejection. He was not able to perform any miracles, apart from curing a few sick people. He was amazed at their lack of faith! Contrast this with the story of the Centurion, when He said, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel … Read more

A Gospel Story of Greatest Hits!

Mark’s Gospel continues this Sunday with the story of the woman afflicted with hemorrhages for twelve years and the synagogue official’s daughter who had died. Last week it was Jesus calming the Sea. It is as if Mark’s Gospel is a highlight tape of Jesus that includes His greatest hits. It’s short, fast-paced, and to … Read more

Small Faith is All It Takes!

This coming Sunday we hear another famous parable! Jesus often thinks and speaks in parables and uses images which he draws from the world around him. Jesus reaches especially for symbols of life and growth in His wonderful illustrations using words and story. Today we hear a familiar, yet ever evolving, mustard seed parable! From … Read more

A Tinkering God. 

People imagine their god intervening in the world to different degrees. Once, God is like a Watchmaker, Occasionally, God is a tinkerer for some but not for all. Constantly, well we are mere Marionettes! The whole idea of a tinkering God suggests that God might have created one thing, later decided to change it, or … Read more

How Do We Know that God is Trinity?

The Holy Trinity: God is three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We all know that.  We may not completely understand it. But we know the facts. But here’s a question: how do we know that God is Trinity? It’s not something we could have figured out on our own. The truth is, we know God is Father, Son … Read more

A Different Kind of Gift for Pentecost

Well, it’s here! Finally! It is Pentecost! Pentecost takes place on the 50th day after Easter Sunday and commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Mary, the beloved mother of Jesus, and the Apostles of Jesus, while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks, as described in the Acts of the Apostles. … Read more

A Love That Begins With The Father.

This Sunday’s passage from John occurs near the end of Jesus’ life. Jesus’ lengthy discourse actually begins back in chapter 14 and runs all the way through chapter 16. When used of relationships, as it is here, it suggests we live within a deep, steadfast relationship using our heart and soul in unity with God. In order … Read more

A Relational Good Shepherd!

Ah, the Good Shepherd returns! It is always one of my favorites, if but overly used at times. Seeing Jesus as the example of being a good shepherd makes sense, because that was one of the major occupations throughout Palestine in His day. His listeners knew about them. People that cared for flocks of sheep … Read more

A Different & Intentional Holy Week!

As I watched the donkey watch us on Palm Sunday, I was reminded of simpler things and all things less fancy. It was in his expression that I knew this year needed to be different. This Holy Week was meant to be different. This Holy Week will not be about numbers at each mass in attendance, or … Read more

So, It Is Now Holy Week for Christians Around the Globe, But Will It Really Change Us? 

The world has simply become more caustic by any measure. The interactions on social media, between persons, and against the vulnerable, and those who identify as LGBTQ, and the foreigner and refugee are all more acidic and debilitating. The political rhetoric is nothing short of vile. We, as a people, have become less patient, less … Read more

“Sir, we wish to see Jesus.”

The opener to this week’s Gospel is great: “some Greeks” come to Andrew and say, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” It is a powerful verse, simple and yet so full of complexities, that it is also engraved on a brass plate on the inside of our pulpit at Saint Miriam. Why? Because we want … Read more

Lenten Poor.

Poverty comes in many forms. It isn’t just financial. Trust me, as a priest I find that some of the poorest people I’ve met in my journey have had the largest bank accounts and the weakest spirituality. The love of things that will pass often drive people to insanity as they chase the elusive dream of happiness … Read more

Anything BUT Ordinary!

On my way to the parish this morning I saw a Christmas Tree on the back of an old pickup truck. I know, you probably saw many, too, over the past few weeks, but since this is almost mid-January, I knew in my heart it was being discarded, not being brought on a journey home … Read more